Hi Friend!

Do you know any of my friends? Maybe you want to become friends with them as well?

I have connected with my friends using WordPress and the Friends plugin. This means I can share private posts with just my friends while keeping my data under control. If you also have a WordPress site with the friends plugin, you can send me a friend request. If not, follow me and get your own WordPress now and install the Friends plugin!

Enter your blog URL to join my network. Learn more

13 responses to “Welcome to my Friends Page”

  1. Alex Standiford Avatar

    @tomfinley So reading this, my first thought was “Am I about to see Tom’s top 8?” lol

  2. Alex Standiford Avatar

    @tomfinley But whoa – this seems really cool!

  3. This Article was mentioned on brid.gy

  4. This Article was mentioned on brid.gy

  5. Alex Standiford Avatar

    @chris @tomfinley Anything is possible 😜

  6. This Article was mentioned on brid.gy